Chapter Five
Chapter Five Chapter Five "Here, Cloudy. Here, Cloudy," Cam called. The dog turned and looked. But he didn't come to Cam. He lifted his paw and started to scratch on the front door. "What's in your bag?" Cam asked Eric. "Sandwiches and books." "What kind?" "Story books." "No, the sandwiches. What kind of sandwiches?" "Meat loaf." "Quick! Give me one." Eric gave Cam a sandwich. She held it out and called, "Here, Cloudy, Here, Cloudy." Cloudy turned. This time, when he smelled the
Chapter Five

Chapter Five
"Here, Cloudy. Here, Cloudy," Cam called.
The dog turned and looked. But he didn't come to Cam.He lifted his paw and started to scratch on the front door.
"What's in your bag?" Cam asked Eric.
"Sandwiches and books." "What kind?" "Story books."
"No, the sandwiches. What kind of sandwiches?"
"Meat loaf." "Quick! Give me one."
Eric gave Cam a sandwich. She held it out and called, "Here, Cloudy, Here, Cloudy."
Cloudy turned. This time, when he smelled the meat, he ran to Cam.