Chapter Five
Chapter Five Chapter Five Eric gently tossed the coin. It slid past three circles and stopped just at the edge of the cardboard. "We didn't win," Donna said. Cam reached into her pocket. She took out a dime and said, "Let me try." Cam sat on the ground. She carefully tossed the dime up in the air so that it landed flat on the cardboard. It landed near one of the circles. "I don't see how anyone can win this game," Cam said as she got up from the ground. "It's just about imposs
Chapter Five

Chapter Five
Eric gently tossed the coin. It slid past three circles and stopped just at the edge of the cardboard.
"We didn't win," Donna said. Cam reached into her pocket. She took out a dime and said, "Let me try."
Cam sat on the ground. She carefully tossed the dime up in the air so that it landed flat on the cardboard. It landed near one of the circles.
"I don't see how anyone can win this game," Cam said as she got up from the ground. "It's just about impossible to get a dime right inside a circle."
"Let's try something else," Donna said. "Maybe we can win a prize at another booth."
"I'll bet you can win at the Trivia booth," Eric said to Cam. "When you say your 'Clicks' you can remember all kinds of things."
As Cam, Eric, and the twins were walking toward the Trivia booth, they passed Ms. Benson. Cam and Eric stopped to ask Ms. Benson if she needed their help.
"Please check the bicycles again," Ms. Benson told them. "Then walk through the schoolyard. See if any of the young children are crying. Make sure there are no problems at any of the booths."
At the bicycle racks, Cam and Eric pulled at all the locks. They were all closed. Even Debby Lane's bicycle was locked.
The boy at the Button Jar Guess needed paper. "I'm doing great," he told Cam and Eric. "I already have one hundred and ninety-four guesses."
Eric got some paper from Ms. Benson. He took it to the boy.
One of the rings at the Ring Toss broke. Cam helped tape it.
Cam, Eric, and the twins went to the Trivia booth last. The girl there said that her only problem was that so few children wanted to come to her booth.
"We can help you with that," Donna said. "Cam wants to take your test."
The girl opened up a folder. She was about to ask Cam a question when Freddy banged on the large metal pot again.
"We have another winner," he called out.
Cam turned. She saw a girl holding a large stuffed animal, a giraffe. The girl was smiling. She had braces on her teeth and was wearing a green hat.
"I don't understand how people keep winning. That Dime Toss is impossible," Eric said.