Chapter Six
Chapter Six Chapter Six Cam and Eric ran to the Dime Toss. The booth was surrounded by children who were taking turns throwing dimes onto the cardboard. "Hey, Freddy," Cam called. "I want to talk to you." "Not now. I'm busy." Cam and Eric watched the children throw their dimes onto the cardboard. Not one even came close to winning. Then a girl wearing a red baseball cap gently tossed a coin onto the cardboard. It slid and then stopped inside the circle in the center of the cardbo
Chapter Six

Chapter Six
Cam and Eric ran to the Dime Toss. The booth was surrounded by children who were taking turns throwing dimes onto the cardboard.
"Hey, Freddy," Cam called. "I want to talk to you." "Not now. I'm busy."
Cam and Eric watched the children throw their dimes onto the cardboard. Not one even came close to winning. Then a girl wearing a red baseball cap gently tossed a coin onto the cardboard. It slid and then stopped inside the circle in the center of the cardboard.
"I win," the girl said, and she smiled. She had braces on her teeth. There were only two prizes left. "I'll take that one," the girl said. She pointed to a little toy monkey.
Freddy gave the stuffed animal to the girl. She walked off with it. Then Freddy picked up the metal pot. He reached into his pocket and took out the wooden spoon.
"Don't bang on the pot," Cam said. "But why not? I have a winner," Freddy said.
"There's something odd about that middle circle. Both times I was here, a dime suddenly stopped inside it. Maybe there's some jelly or glue on it."
Freddy took his broom and swept the dimes into the box at the edge of the cardboard. The winning dime didn't move. Freddy pushed harder on the broom and swept it into the box with the other dimes.