Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven Chapter Seven It wasn't easy for Cam to talk. She was holding Cloudy, and the dog wouldn't stop licking Cam's face. Cam wiped her cheek. Then she said, "We have to get the man away from his desk. If we do that, we can switch the dogs." Cloudy licked Cam's face again. Cam wiped her cheek and went on with her plan. "If Donna taps on one of the dosed windows, the man will run over to see who's there. Before he can open the window, Diane can tap on another window. The man will r
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven
It wasn't easy for Cam to talk.She was holding Cloudy, and the dog wouldn't stop licking Cam's face.
Cam wiped her cheek. Then she said, "We have to get the man away from his desk.If we do that, we can switch the dogs."
Cloudy licked Cam's face again. Cam wiped her cheek and went on with her plan.
"If Donna taps on one of the dosed windows, the man will run over to see who's there.Before he can open the window, Diane can tap on another window.The man will run to the other window.If you two take turns tapping on windows, the man will be busy running from one window to the other.And while he's running, I'll switch the dogs."
"It's a good plan," Diane said.
"The best part of the plan," Eric said, "is that since you two look so much alike,he'll think he's seeing the same girl at both windows.He'll wonder how anyone can run so fast from one window to the other."
Eric told Cam that he would let her know if the man was going back to his desk.
Donna walked up to one of the windows at the side of the house.Diane went to another window near the front door.Eric hid behind a bush and watched them both.
Cam walked back to the open window.She saw the man sitting at his desk. He was holding the green envelope.
When Cloudy saw the man, he tried to jump out of Cam's arms. But Cam held on to him.
"Just stop it. You'll be in there soon," Cam told the dog.
But Cloudy would not stop.And when he could not get out of Cam's arms, he barked.
"Is that you, Cloudy?" the man called out.He started to walk toward the open window.
"Oh, no," Cam said as she moved away from the window."You've ruined everything, Cloudy."
Tap. Tap. Donna was tapping at one of the dosed windows.
"Oh," Cam whispered to Cloudy, "I hope he goes to see who it is."
He did. Cam heard the man call through the closed window, "What do you want?" Tap. Tap.