Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven Chapter Seven Cam looked on the bed. Then she whispered to Eric, "It looks real sloppy, don't you think?" "Look under the sheet," Eric whispered. A small part of a flat gray can was uncovered. "I'll bet that's the film." Cam's mother and Angela Kane were standing in front of the Shoe Escape poster. Mrs. Jansen said, "My husband and I saw this movie just a few days before we were married. It's one of his favorites. It's a pity Shoe Escape isn't shown more often."
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven
Cam looked on the bed. Then she whispered to Eric, "It looks real sloppy, don't you think?"
"Look under the sheet," Eric whispered. A small part of a flat gray can was uncovered. "I'll bet that's the film."
Cam's mother and Angela Kane were standing in front of the Shoe Escape poster. Mrs. Jansen said, "My husband and I saw this movie just a few days before we were married. It's one of his favorites. It's a pity Shoe Escape isn't shown more often."
"I wasn't very good in that one," Angela Kane said softly.
"Yes, you were. It's such a good movie, and you were wonderful in it. We were just at the Hamilton Movie Theater. We went to see Shoe Escape, but something happened to the film."
Cam pulled on the sleeve of her mother's coat. She wanted to tell her about the flat gray can. But her mother kept talking to Angela Kane.
"I hope you don't mind if I sit down," Cam's mother said as she sat right next to the gray can.
Angela Kane quickly pulled at the bed sheets until the can was completely hidden.
"Is that the missing film?" Cam's mother asked. Angela Kane nodded.
"Why did you take it?" Angela Kane began to cry. She took a tissue from her pocket and wiped her eyes. Cam and Eric looked at each other. Then they looked down at the floor. It seemed wrong to watch an adult cry.
"I was going to be a real star," Angela Kane said. "But that movie ruined me. That was the last acting job I had. I didn't intend to steal the film today. I just wanted to watch it. But when I got to the theater, something happened to me. I didn't want to see that movie. And I didn't want anyone else to see it."