Chapter Two Lou-Lou's New Home
Chapter Two Lou-Lou's New Home Chapter Two Lou-Lou's New Home The next day, a man in uniform came and opened the front door without even ringing the doorbell. He had a cap with a badge with the letters R.S.P.C.A. on it. Lou-Lou barked and barked. She even growled - which surprised her. It was something she didn't know she could do. He put Lou-Lou in a basket and carried her out to a van. She whined and scratched at the basket. Was she being kidnapped? But the man took her to a train statio
Chapter Two Lou-Lou's New Home

Chapter Two Lou-Lou's New Home

The next day, a man in uniform came and opened the front door without even ringing the doorbell.He had a cap with a badge with the letters R.S.P.C.A. on it.
Lou-Lou barked and barked. She even growled - which surprised her.It was something she didn't know she could do.
He put Lou-Lou in a basket and carried her out to a van.She whined and scratched at the basket. Was she being kidnapped?
But the man took her to a train station.Then he put her on a train with lots of parcels and sacks and bicycles.Doors slammed and the train started off.
Lou-Lou's basket rocked in time with the train.Dig-a-dig-rick, dig-a-dig-rick, rick-a-rick-rick-rick, duggedy-duggedy-duggedy.
Lou-Lou whimpered miserably. But no one came. At last she dropped off to sleep.
The next thing she knew, the train had stopped.
Her basket was lifted up and carried out of the train.
She sniffed the air. It didn't smell at all like the town.There were interesting animal smells and strange, scary smells she'd never smelt before.
Her basket was handed to a man who was waiting on the platform.He was wearing wellies covered with mud.Lou-Lou crouched down in her basket with her ears back. Where was he taking her?