Chapter Three Lou-Lou in Disgrace
Chapter Three Lou-Lou in Disgrace Chapter Three Lou-Lou in Disgrace The next day, the man came in wearing his wellies. He took the other two dogs with him and went out into the fields. That's when Lou-Lou heard this terrible "BANG!" outside. It was followed by a lot more even louder BANGS! Lou-Lou was so frightened she buried herself in a basket of washing. When the woman came to do the ironing, she found her. She was really angry. So Lou-Lou was in disgrace. She sat quietly in a corner a
Chapter Three Lou-Lou in Disgrace

Chapter Three Lou-Lou in Disgrace

The next day, the man came in wearing his wellies.He took the other two dogs with him and went out into the fields.
That's when Lou-Lou heard this terrible "BANG!" outside.It was followed by a lot more even louder BANGS!