Chapter3 After the Hunt
Chapter3 After the Hunt Chapter3 After the Hunt Wind-in-the-Treetops rode on until he had shot the very last arrow from his quiver. The last of the buffaloes had disappeared from view. He turned back very slowly. His pony was tired. He was tired, too. He was so tired that he could hardly hold up his head. All the way back, he saw women skinning buffaloes and cutting up the meat. Pretty soon he saw his younger brother shouting, leaping, and waving his skinning knife. His mother was bending ove
Chapter3 After the Hunt

Chapter3 After the Hunt
Wind-in-the-Treetops rode on until he had shot the very last arrow from his quiver.The last of the buffaloes had disappeared from view.He turned back very slowly. His pony was tired. He was tired, too. He was so tired that he could hardly hold up his head.All the way back, he saw women skinning buffaloes and cutting up the meat.