Chapter2 The Hunt Begins
Chapter2 The Hunt Begins Chapter2 The Hunt Begins The men started out on the hunt before dawn. The women and children followed a short distance behind. The hunters rode in a line across the prairie. A few men led the hunt. No one was allowed to go ahead of these leaders. Men who had two ponies rode the slower one and led the faster one. Men who had only one pony, like Wind-in-the-Treetops, walked, to keep their ponies fresh. The boy became very tired on the long walk. But he would not tire h
Chapter2 The Hunt Begins

Chapter2 The Hunt Begins
The men started out on the hunt before dawn.The women and children followed a short distance behind.The hunters rode in a line across the prairie.A few men led the hunt.No one was allowed to go ahead of these leaders.Men who had two ponies rode the slower one and led the faster one.Men who had only one pony, like Wind-in-the-Treetops, walked, to keep their ponies fresh.
The boy became very tired on the long walk.But he would not tire his pony.So a kind old man named Eagle Chief said to Wind-in-the-Tree tops, "Young friend, come and ride with me on my pony.You can lead your pony with my spare pony."Wind-in-the-Treetops was very glad and grateful.
After a long, long march, the scouts returned.They said, "We see the buffaloes."Then every man got on his swiftest pony.The leaders of the hunt directed them to circle around the buffaloes.The hunters went very quietly so the buffaloes would not hear them.