Jenny Loves Yoga
Jenny Loves Yoga Jenny Loves Yoga Each morning Jenny begins her day by practicing yoga. Yoga is an exercise that helps Jenny to grow strong and flexible. To practice yoga, Jenny moves her arms, legs, head, and chest into different positions called poses. Jenny holds the poses while she smiles. She breathes in and out slowly through her nose. Jenny wakes up very early and puts on her yoga clothes. Loose or stretchy shorts and a T-shirt work well. She rolls out a long, thin piece of rubber call
Jenny Loves Yoga

Jenny Loves Yoga

Each morning Jenny begins her day by practicing yoga.Yoga is an exercise that helps Jenny to grow strong and flexible.To practice yoga, Jenny moves her arms, legs, head, and chest into different positions called poses.Jenny holds the poses while she smiles.She breathes in and out slowly through her nose.

Jenny wakes up very early and puts on her yoga clothes.Loose or stretchy shorts and a T-shirt work well.She rolls out a long, thin piece of rubber called a "sticky mat."The mat helps keep Jenny from slipping while she is moving from one pose to another.

Jenny begins by standing very straight at the front of her mat.She places her palms together over her heart.She closes her eyes and listens to the sound of her breath.This pose is called Mountain Pose.Jenny stands very still for several minutes.She is practicing being as strong and quiet as a mountain.

Many yoga students around the world begin their day at dawn.As the sun rises, they practice the Sun Salutations.A salutation is a greeting, or a way of saying "hello."The Sun Salutations are a series of poses linked together.With each breath, Jenny moves from one pose to the next.To begin the Sun Salutation, Jenny breathes in through her nose.She reaches up, stretching her fingertips to the sky.

As she breathes out, she bends at her waist.She folds forward, reaching toward her toes.Then, breathing in, she lifts her chin.She walks her feet back as she lowers her body to the floor with her arms.

Breathing in, she begins to straighten her arms.She lifts up her chest and head as she presses her hands into the ground.She leans her head back. This pose is named after a kind of snake called a cobra.A cobra snake lifts its head up and back to scare away an enemy.Jenny makes sure to continue breathing while she holds the pose.

Then Jenny pushes back into a pose called Downward Dog.This pose looks similar to the way a dog stretches after a nap.Her hands and feet press into the floor as she begins to straighten her legs.After a few breaths she bends her knees and hops forward.Breathing out, Jenny folds over her legs again.Breathing in, she lifts up her hands and chest to the sky.Breathing out, she lowers her arms back into Mountain Pose.
Jenny moves through five sets of the Sun Salutations.This series of poses warms up the muscles of the legs and the back.These poses also strengthen the arms.