Cleaning the Car!
Cleaning the Car! Cleaning the Car! Daddy Pig is taking the family for a drive in the country. Come on! Is everyone ready? Ready! Yes, Daddy Pig, we're ready. But the car isn't ready! Look how messy it is! Oh, it's not too bad. You should see how messy it is inside! Naughty, messy Daddy! Naughty, messy Daddy! Look at all this rubbish! Newspapers! They're mine. Sweets! They're mine! Mr. Dinosaur! Dine-saw! We must clean the car before we go for a drive. Oh, right you are, Mum
Cleaning the Car!

Cleaning the Car!

Daddy Pig is taking the family for a drive in the country.

Come on! Is everyone ready? Ready!

Yes, Daddy Pig, we're ready. But the car isn't ready!

Look how messy it is! Oh, it's not too bad.

You should see how messy it is inside!

Naughty, messy Daddy! Naughty, messy Daddy!

Look at all this rubbish! Newspapers! They're mine.

Sweets! They're mine! Mr. Dinosaur! Dine-saw!

We must clean the car before we go for a drive.
Oh, right you are, Mummy Pig.
Mummy, can we help to clean the car?
Yes, if you want to. Hurray!
Daddy Pig has some warm soapy water to wash the car.
Daddy pig is washing the roof.
Mummy Pig is washing the bonnet.
Peppa is washing the doors.
George wants to wash the windows. But he is too little.
Poor George. Let me help you.
Oh, dear! George has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle.