Clem Goes to School
Clem Goes to School Clem Goes to School What will Glen do today? Glen will go to school. Glen will not be late. What will Clem do today? Clem will not go away. Clem will play a fun game here. What will Glen do today? Glen will take Clem to school. Why? Clem wants to see what Glen's school is like. What will Clem do at Glen's school? Clem will paint this way. Clem will draw this way. What will Glen do today? Glen will go to school. Glen will not be late.
Clem Goes to School

Clem Goes to School

What will Glen do today?

Glen will go to school.
Glen will not be late.
What will Clem do today?
Clem will not go away.
Clem will play a fun game here.
What will Glen do today?