Thick Slush
Thick Slush Thick Slush Beth and her cat went up the path. Beth and her cat went to the shed. They got a sled from a shelf in the shed. They ran up the path with the sled. Beth pulled her cat onto the sled. THUD! The cat fell into thick slush. Beth pulled her cat to get on the sled. Her cat brushed off the slush. THUMP! The cat fell onto the trash can. Beth brushed off the trash. “This is no fun,” said the cat. “I crashed into slush and smashed into trash.” “Then we will go
Thick Slush

Thick Slush

Beth and her cat went up the path.Beth and her cat went to the shed.

They got a sled from a shelf in the shed.They ran up the path with the sled.

Beth pulled her cat onto the sled.

THUD! The cat fell into thick slush.