Crows Share A Pie
Crows Share A Pie Crows Share A Pie One delightfully sunny day a large crow flew over Mrs. McNutty's house. Looking down, he spotted a big, freshly baked pie cooling on the windowsill. Because pie was about his favorite thing in the world, he swooped down for a closer look. As the crow glided by, he could tell that nobody was home. He safely landed on the windowsill and eyed the wonderful-smelling pie. The crow became especially excited to see that it was a cherry pie. "Oh boy, delicious che
Crows Share A Pie

Crows Share A Pie

One delightfully sunny day a large crow flew over Mrs. McNutty's house.Looking down, he spotted a big, freshly baked pie cooling on the windowsill.Because pie was about his favorite thing in the world, he swooped down for a closer look.

As the crow glided by, he could tell that nobody was home.He safely landed on the windowsill and eyed the wonderful-smelling pie.The crow became especially excited to see that it was a cherry pie.
"Oh boy, delicious cherry pie.My favorite," he said."And it's all mine."
Just as he was about to take his first bite, a second crow flapped down and landed on the windowsill with a thump.
"That's a mighty big and tasty- looking pie," she cawed."You don't intend to eat it all by yourself, do you?"
"Well, I was sure thinking I would," answered the first crow."Since I found it first, it's all mine."
"Don't be so selfish," replied the second crow."You can certainly see that there's enough pie for two hungry crows.Besides, you'll feel far better sharing the pie than you will getting a tummy ache from eating the entire thing.So how about giving some of it to me?"
The first crow took a few moments to think.
"I suppose I could share it with you.After all, it is a very large pie.How do you propose we divide it?" he asked.
"Let's just split it down the middle," offered the second crow."That way you get one half, and I get the other half.It's fair if we each get equal halves of the pie, isn't it?"
"I suppose so," said the first crow.
The crow sliced the pie in half.Just as he finished cutting, two more crows landed with a flutter of black wings.They stared at the pie with bright, greedy eyes.