Daniel's New Home
Daniel's New Home Daniel's New Home Chapter 1 Leaving Home When Dad came in from the fields today, Cara was crying. "She's hungry," said Mam. I was hungry, too. But I wasn't crying. I am seven years old plus two whole months, so I have to help. Dad gave Cara a cuddle and she stopped howling. Soon, we will have another baby. I really want a brother. "How are the potatoes?" asked Mam. I held my breath. "The potatoes are ruined," said Dad. "We cannot eat or sell them." When I let
Daniel's New Home

Daniel's New Home

Chapter 1 Leaving Home

When Dad came in from the fields today, Cara was crying."She's hungry," said Mam.I was hungry, too. But I wasn't crying.
I am seven years old plus two whole months, so I have to help.
Dad gave Cara a cuddle and she stopped howling.Soon, we will have another baby.
I really want a brother.
"How are the potatoes?" asked Mam.I held my breath.
"The potatoes are ruined," said Dad."We cannot eat or sell them."When I let my breath out, it sounded like a sigh.
"We have to leave Ireland," said Mam."We have a family to look after, and not enough food."
"We should go to North America like the Sullivans," said Dad.
I thought of how Fergus Sullivan always bragged about going to America.Then we never heard from him after he went across the Atlantic Ocean!
"Your Uncle Paddy will help us get settled there," said Dad.
Uncle Paddy is my favorite uncle.If he was brave enough to go to America, I can be brave, too.