Dawn Can Skate
Dawn Can Skate Dawn Can Skate What Did Dawn Like? Dawn saw ice skaters on TV. A girl won an ice skating contest. The girl got a medal! “Can I learn to ice skate?” Dawn asked Mom and Dad. “Ice skating is fun. I want to spin on the ice. Maybe I can win a medal, too!” Dawn went to the ice skating rink with Mom. Dawn put on ice skates. It was hard to walk on skates! Dawn held on to the wall. Dawn did not want to fall down. Ann was the teacher. Ann showed Dawn h
Dawn Can Skate

Dawn Can Skate

What Did Dawn Like?
Dawn saw ice skaters on TV.
A girl won an ice skating contest.
The girl got a medal!
“Can I learn to ice skate?”
Dawn asked Mom and Dad.
“Ice skating is fun.
I want to spin on the ice.
Maybe I can win a medal, too!”
Dawn went to the ice skating rink with Mom.
Dawn put on ice skates.
It was hard to walk on skates!
Dawn held on to the wall.
Dawn did not want to fall down.
Ann was the teacher.
Ann showed Dawn how to ice skate.
“Take a small step and slide,” said Ann.
“Then take another small step and slide.”
Dawn went round and round.
“Look, Mom!” Dawn called. “I can skate!”
Every Saturday, Dawn got up early.
Dawn went to the ice skating rink.
Mom and Dad went along.
Ann showed Dawn how to turn.
Ann showed Dawn how to skate backwards, too.
One Saturday, Ann showed Dawn how to spin.
Dawn said, “I like to spin!
Nothing else is so much fun!”
“Dawn is a good skater,” Ann told Mom and Dad.
“Dawn may win a contest some day.”