Earning Money My Own Way
Earning Money My Own Way Earning Money My Own Way At last, the summer had arrived! Andy was on vacation from school until September. There was going to be a concert in town in July, and his favorite band was playing. Andy didn't want to miss the chance to see them perform. Andy's parents agreed to take him to the concert if he saved half the money for his ticket. How can I save the money I need? Andy wondered. Then he thought of three ways to get it. He could work for it. He could borrow it
Earning Money My Own Way

Earning Money My Own Way

At last, the summer had arrived!Andy was on vacation from school until September.There was going to be a concert in town in July, and his favorite band was playing.Andy didn't want to miss the chance to see them perform.

Andy's parents agreed to take him to the concert if he saved half the money for his ticket.How can I save the money I need? Andy wondered.
Then he thought of three ways to get it.He could work for it. He could borrow it.Or, if he were lucky, he might be given some money as a gift!
Andy couldn't think of anyone who might loan him the money.Then he thought about gifts. That won't work, he thought.My birthday is four months away.
Finally, Andy tried to think of ways he could work for the money.He decided to ask his big sister, Liz, for advice.
Andy knocked on Liz's bedroom door."Hi, Sis," he said."I'm asking Mom and Dad to take me to the concert next month.But the ticket prices are sky high!Do you have any ideas how I can earn money to pay for my share of the ticket?"
"Why don't you try babysitting with me?" Liz replied. "That's what I do."
Andy had helpd Liz watch their cousins a few weeks earlier.He hadn't enjoyed babysitting at all!
"But Liz, I can't stand babysitting," Andy complained.