Eggy's Easy Out
Eggy's Easy Out Eggy's Easy Out People call me Eggy. But that's not my real name. When my brother Jordan first saw me when I was a baby he said, "His head looks like an egg!" My head is normal now, but the nickname stuck. Jordan has always liked to throw things, especially at me. Mom says I could catch even before I could walk. Now that he's twelve, Jordan has a super-strong arm. He pitches for his Little League team. And do you know what? I play catcher for my team. Catchers must be quick
Eggy's Easy Out

Eggy's Easy Out

People call me Eggy. But that's not my real name.When my brother Jordan first saw me when I was a baby he said, "His head looks like an egg!"My head is normal now, but the nickname stuck.
Jordan has always liked to throw things, especially at me.Mom says I could catch even before I could walk.
Now that he's twelve, Jordan has a super-strong arm.He pitches for his Little League team.And do you know what?I play catcher for my team. Catchers must be quick and smart.They use signals to tell the pitcher what kind of pitch to throw.Fastballs are my favorite.I like the way they zoom past the batter and slam hard into my mitt.
During the last inning of our first game, I signaled for a fastball.The batter hit a pop fly.The ball sailed toward the sun like a rocket ship.
"Catch it, Eggy!" the coach shouted.
I flung off my mask.Even with the sun in my eyes, I nabbed the pop-up.My team won the game!
I told Jordan about my awesome catch.
'Top-ups are easy outs, Eggy," he said. "Try something harder next time."