Painting Painting Peppa and George are painting today. We need some old newspaper to put on the table. Yes! Daddy pig is reading his newspaper. You could have my newspaper when I finish reading it. All right! Hooray! Now we can start painting. Silly George! Big children do not put their hands in the paint. George loves painting with his hands. Peppa loves painting with her hands. Very good. Can I have a potato, mummy pig? They aren't cooked yet, daddy pig. Are you hungry,


Peppa and George are painting today.
We need some old newspaper to put on the table. Yes!
Daddy pig is reading his newspaper.
You could have my newspaper when I finish reading it.
All right! Hooray! Now we can start painting.
Silly George! Big children do not put their hands in the paint.
George loves painting with his hands.
Peppa loves painting with her hands.
Very good. Can I have a potato, mummy pig?
They aren't cooked yet, daddy pig.
Are you hungry, Daddy? I am not going to eat it. Watch this!
What is daddy pig doing? Wooo...
Now who can tell me what this is? A flower! Clever daddy!
I loved painting when I was a young piggy.
Now where are my old painting things.
Daddy, why are you wearing that funny hat?
This is my beret, it puts me in the mood for painting pictures.
Now what shall I paint? Well chosen, George.
I'll paint the old cherry tree.
What's that? It's an easel, Peppa. It holds my canvas.
What's the canvas? It's a bit like paper for very special paintings.
Is that toothpaste? No, Peppa,
These are special paints for grown-up artist.