Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears Once upon a time, a family of bears lived in a green and leafy forest. These were no ordinary bears. Dad Bear was enormous. His bushy head almost brushed the top of the ceiling of their small house. Though much smaller than Dad, Mom Bear was still quite large. (She too was a bear, after all.) Dad and Mom Bear had a son named Billy Bear. Compared with his parents, Billy was a little bear. He was only in the third grade. He was also
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time, a family of bears lived in a green and leafy forest.These were no ordinary bears.Dad Bear was enormous.His bushy head almost brushed the top of the ceiling of their small house.Though much smaller than Dad, Mom Bear was still quite large. (She too was a bear, after all.)

Dad and Mom Bear had a son named Billy Bear.Compared with his parents, Billy was a little bear.He was only in the third grade. He was also lonely.All of his classmates lived in the nearby town of Woodville and never came to see him after school.

The bears' house was cheery and bright.At night, Dad Bear sat in his great big armchair.It was made out of a solid tree trunk that he and Billy had found in the forest.Mom Bear's smaller chair was covered in soft green velvet.Of course, Billy's chair was the smallest of all, but it fit him perfectly.Like Dad's chair, it was made of wood from the forest.Like Mom's chair, it was comfy with an embroidered cushion.

Upstairs were the bedrooms.Dad Bear had a great big bed with a thick mattress.Mom Bear had a medium-sized bed covered with a fleecy blanket.Billy Bear slept in a little bed carved out of cherry wood.
One morning, Mom decided to fix oatmeal for breakfast.She scooped it into bowls.Dad had a great big bowl, Mom had a medium-sized bowl,and Billy had a wee little bowl with just one scoop.When Billy tried to take a bite, he made a terrible discovery.The oatmeal was too hot to eat!
The Bear family decided to take a hike.Their goal was to let the oatmeal cool off.Now while they were on their journey, a little girl named Goldilocks wandered by their house.
Goldilocks was just about Billy Bear's age and even went to his school.Although she looked like a princess with her long golden curls,she sometimes acted as though everything in the world belonged to her.
"What's that delicious smell?" she wondered aloud."It must be coming from this house."She peered through the window and saw that no one was at home.So, she climbed right into the bears' house!
First, she tasted Dad Bear's oatmeal."Too hot!" Goldilocks cried.Next, she tried Mom Bear's oatmeal, but it was too cold.Then, she tried Billy Bear's oatmeal.It was so good that she licked the bowl clean.
"This must be Billy Bear's house!" she said, looking at photographs in the living room.Then she noticed Mom Bear's collection of delicate glass animals.She took a bunny off the shelf to get a closer look.
Then she sat in Dad Bear's big chair."Oh, this is far too hard."Then she sat in Mom Bear's chair."Oh, this is far too soft."Then she sat in Billy Bear's chair."This is just right," she said.But suddenly, Billy Bear's chair collapsed beneath her,and the crystal bunny broke into tiny pieces.