Hercules and the Golden Apples
Hercules and the Golden Apples Hercules and the Golden Apples CHAPTER 1 Hercules Long ago in Greece, a powerful hero lived. His name was Hercules , and he was the son of the mighty god Zeus. Even as a baby, Hercules had great strength. As a man, he was stronger than any other. But the goddess Hera did not like Hercules. She cursed the strong man and caused him to go crazy. Hercules did terrible things in his madness. At last, Hercules returned to normal. He saw the damage he had done,
Hercules and the Golden Apples

Hercules and the Golden Apples

CHAPTER 1 Hercules

Long ago in Greece, a powerful hero lived.His name was Hercules , and he was the son of the mighty god Zeus.
Even as a baby, Hercules had great strength.As a man, he was stronger than any other.
But the goddess Hera did not like Hercules.She cursed the strong man and caused him to go crazy.Hercules did terrible things in his madness.
At last, Hercules returned to normal.He saw the damage he had done, and he begged for forgiveness.He asked the gods to let him earn back his honor.
The gods agreed, and sent him to work for a king.The king gave Hercules twelve very difficult tasks to perform.He disliked Hercules, and he wanted the hero to fail.
No one thought Hercules could complete all twelve tasks. They seemed impossible.But Hercules did complete them, one by one.He used all of his strength and many tricks, and he refused to give up.
This is the story of one of those tasks.
CHAPTER 2 Looking

The king was a weak and greedy man.He wanted three of Hera's golden apples, but he knew he could not get them himself.He gave Hercules the task of finding them.
The apples were not just golden in color.They were made of gold, and they had special powers.The tree had been a wedding gift to Hera from Mother Earth.
Hera loved the tree and kept it hidden in a secret garden.Three nymphs or nature spirits, guarded the tree.A dragon with many heads lay below as the leaves rustled.