King Bidgoods In The Bathtub
King Bidgoods In The Bathtub King Bidgoods In The Bathtub “Help! Help!” cried the Page when the sun came up. “King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?” “I do!” cried the Knight when the sun came up. “Get out!” It's time to battle!” “Come in” cried the King with a boom, boom, boom. “Today we battle in the tub!” “Help! Help!” cried the Page when the sun got hot. “King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?”
King Bidgoods In The Bathtub

King Bidgoods In The Bathtub

“Help! Help!” cried the Page when the sun came up.
“King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?”
“I do!” cried the Knight when the sun came up.
“Get out!” It's time to battle!”
“Come in” cried the King with a boom, boom, boom.
“Today we battle in the tub!”
“Help! Help!” cried the Page when the sun got hot.
“King Bidgood's in the bathtub, and he won't get out! Oh, who knows what to do?”
“I do!” cried the Queen when the sun got hot.
“Get out!” It's time to lunch!”
“Come in!” cried the King, with a yum, yum, yum.
Today we lunch in the tub!”