KING OF THE BIRDS KING OF THE BIRDS Chapter 1 The Gathering The forest was full of birds. Birds sat on the branches. Some birds looked for insects to eat. Some birds made nests. All day long, the birds squabbled, or argued. Hawk looked around the forest in dismay. He had ruled the birds for many years, but he was old and tired of the birds fighting. Hawk told the birds to choose a new king. The birds had a meeting to choose a new king. Each bird secretly wanted to be king. Mockingbird


Chapter 1 The Gathering

The forest was full of birds. Birds sat on the branches.Some birds looked for insects to eat. Some birds made nests.All day long, the birds squabbled, or argued.
Hawk looked around the forest in dismay.He had ruled the birds for many years, but he was old and tired of the birds fighting.Hawk told the birds to choose a new king.
The birds had a meeting to choose a new king.Each bird secretly wanted to be king.
Mockingbird thought she should be king because she had a splendid voice.Mockingbird sang her heart out.Mockingbird sang the songs of crickets, frogs, and the other birds.
The birds were very impressed.They thought that maybe Mockingbird should be king.
Then Cardinal strutted in front of the birds.He showed off his wonderful red feathers.Cardinal made the crest on his head stand up.
The birds were amazed by Cardinal's beautiful scarlet feathers and his strong beak.The birds thought that maybe Cardinal should be king.
Next, Turkey offered herself as king. Turkey puffed up her chest.Turkey said that she was big and strong, so she could keep the peace and stop fights.Turkey said she was watchful, so she would protect the birds from danger.
The birds liked what Turkey said. They thought that maybe Turkey should be king.All types of birds explained why they should be king.
There were loud birds and quiet birds and boastful birds and shy birds.As each bird spoke, the other birds thought that maybe this was the bird that should be king.
But Quetzal did not speak. The other birds looked at Quetzal in disbelief.Quetzal was usually confident and ambitious.