Lesson 2 It's a tiger!
Lesson 2 It's a tiger! Lesson 2 It's a tiger! Come on! Look! That is Lulu Leopard! Hi, Lulu. I'm Mocky. Oh, no! It's not Lulu! Ouch! Run, Mocky! It s a tiger! Help! It's a tiger! a cow, a panda, a tiger a deer, a horse Look! What a lovely cat! No, Mocky, it's not a cat. It's a dog. Let's Sing Monkey one and monkey two, Monkey see and monkey do, Ee! Ee! Ah! Ah! Ya! Ya! Ooh! Be a happy monkey, too. Touch your head, And look ahead! Scratch your hand,
Lesson 2 It's a tiger!

Lesson 2 It's a tiger!

Come on!

Look! That is Lulu Leopard!

Hi, Lulu. I'm Mocky.