Lost Keys
Lost Keys Lost Keys Peppa and her family have been for a lovely day out in the mountains. Time to go home. Back to the car. Thank you for visiting the Mountain Beauty Spot. See you again soon. Key! Key! No, George. You can't play with the car keys. You might lose them. You're playing with the car keys, Daddy. But I'm a grown-up. I'm not going to lose them. Oh dear. Daddy Pig has dropped the car keys down a drain. Oh! Right! Let's go home. Erm ... that might be difficult. Why?
Lost Keys

Lost Keys

Peppa and her family have been for a lovely day out in the mountains.
Time to go home. Back to the car.
Thank you for visiting the Mountain Beauty Spot. See you again soon.
Key! Key! No, George. You can't play with the car keys.
You might lose them. You're playing with the car keys, Daddy.
But I'm a grown-up. I'm not going to lose them.
Oh dear. Daddy Pig has dropped the car keys down a drain.
Oh! Right! Let's go home.
Erm ... that might be difficult. Why?
Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh, Daddy Pig!
Don't worry. I'll get the keys out of the drain with a stick.
Hooray! Mmm…the drain must be deeper than I thought.
The stick is not long enough to reach the keys.
What we need is a fishing rod.Then we can catch the keys on a hook.
Maybe Miss Rabbit sells fishing rods.
Erm…do you sell fishing rods.
We do, actually. I don't know why.You don't get fish in the mountains.
We are not fishing for fish. We are fishing for keys.
My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain.
Oh, you'll never get those back.That drain's really deep. What are drains for?
A drain takes the rain water away to the sea.
The fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys.
My goodness! How deep is this drain?
We can see how deep it is by dropping a stone. Good idea, Miss Rabbit.
We can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom.
One, two, three, four, five, six. That, is deep!
Told you! What can we do now?