Morty and the Teacher's Apples
Morty and the Teacher's Apples Morty and the Teacher's Apples Morty is a very mischievous mouse who always does very mischievous things. Morty was scampering to school with Ben and Fred, his best buddies. Backpacks bouncing, they chased around trying to jump on each other's swinging tails. They slowly made progress toward the playground. "Hey!" Morty stopped short and was staring at Albert's Apple Orchard. Apple harvest was almost over and the smell of apples. Sight of fresh dew on the grass
Morty and the Teacher's Apples

Morty and the Teacher's Apples

Morty is a very mischievous mouse who always does very mischievous things.
Morty was scampering to school with Ben and Fred, his best buddies.Backpacks bouncing, they chased around trying to jump on each other's swinging tails.They slowly made progress toward the playground.
"Hey!" Morty stopped short and was staring at Albert's Apple Orchard.Apple harvest was almost over and the smell of apples.Sight of fresh dew on the grass, and fallen apples gave Morty a very mischievous idea."
Remember when Mr. Albert yelled at us for picking his apples?"
Ben and Fred remembered that day well, and how Mr. Albert's whiskers twitched with anger as he screamed at them.
"He said, 'You can have any that fall to the ground, but picking my apples is stealing!"' Morty continued.
"I know just what to do with those rotten apples ... we'll make applesauce for Miss Snickerwiser."
Soon Ben, Fred, and Morty were scrambling around the orchard.Picking up overripe and worm-eaten apples - lots and lots of apples.They filled their backpacks until they were nearly too heavy to carry.
"Come on, let's hurry!" Morty called over his shoulder as he led the way to the teacher parking lot.
Just as he knew she would, Miss Snickerwiser had left the door unlocked on her slick, red, two-seater Mouse Mini.
Discreetly, the three third-grade mice - Morty, Ben, and Fred - began filling the car with apples.
"We're going to need lots more apples," Ben said as he pulled the last mushy apple from his backpack.
"Right," Morty agreed. "Let's get more before the bell rings."
"We've got to hurry!" Fred exclaimed. "I already have a tardy for this week."
Racing back to the orchard, they loaded their backpacks again.
At the car, they closed the Mouse Mini's door and cracked a window, shoving apples through the opening.
By the time they settled into their desks, the car was full with fragrant, decaying apples.The sun was getting high in the sky, warming up the car and cooking the apples.
"Miss Snickerwiser knows so much stuff that she may just be the smartest mouse in the world," Morty once told his mother.He loved Miss Snickerwiser's big smile and how she laughed easily at his silly tricks.Sometimes she gave cheesy chews for correct answers, and she always explained things well.
But Miss Snickerwiser had been crabby lately.Last week, she got angry when Morty didn't finish his assignments on time.And there was an edge to her voice when she told Morty to pay attention.She even called his mother when Morty smashed catsup packets on the playground.
During recess, Morty was thinking of the trick that he, Fred, and Ben had pulled with the appleswhen he saw the janitor washing garbage cans behind the school with a long hose.
When the janitor was finished, Morty grabbed the hose and scampered to the teacher parking lotto stick the running hose in the window of the Mini.Adding water to the warm apples made the smell even stronger.I sure hope Miss Snickerwiser likes applesauce as much as flies do.Morty thought as he tried to spray the gathering swarm of flies with water.