Too Many Tickets
Too Many Tickets Too Many Tickets "Rita," Isabel whispered to her best friend, "aren't you excited about the carnival tonight?" "Shhh," Rita said, putting her finger to her lips. "I want to hear what Mr. Hernandez is saying." It was Friday afternoon, and Mr. Hernandez was finishing a lesson on comparing fractions. Rita listened carefully and took notes while Isabel stared out the window. She wasn't interested in fractions. She was thinking about the fun that she and Rita would have at the ca
Too Many Tickets

Too Many Tickets

"Rita," Isabel whispered to her best friend, "aren't you excited about the carnival tonight?"
"Shhh," Rita said, putting her finger to her lips."I want to hear what Mr. Hernandez is saying."
It was Friday afternoon, and Mr. Hernandez was finishing a lesson on comparing fractions.Rita listened carefully and took notes while Isabel stared out the window.She wasn't interested in fractions.She was thinking about the fun that she and Rita would have at the carnival that night.
As Mr. Hernandez wrote some fractions on the board, Isabel raised her hand.
"Mr. Hernandez, I don't understand why we need to learn so much about fractions," said Isabel.
"Well, Isabel," answered Mr. Hernandez,"we use fractions all the time outside of school without even realizing it."
"Really?" asked Isabel. "Yes," replied Mr. Hernandez."Part of your homework this weekend will be to notice one waythat you use fractions and then report back to the group on Monday."
"What happened in school today?" Dad asked Isabel during dinner.
"We're learning about comparing fractions in math class." Isabel replied."Mr. Hernandez told us to find one way that we use fractions outside of school."
"That sounds challenging," Dad replied.
"It sounds impossible," Isabel complained.
"Maybe you will use some fractions at the carnival tonight," said Mom."That would be a fun place to use math!"
When the girls arrived at the carnival, the smell of popcorn and the sound of music drifted toward them.
"Hurry, Mom," said Isabel as she and Rita ran across the field,through the crowd, and up to the ticket booth.
"We can get 10 tickets for 5.00 pounds," Isabel said, reading the sign at the ticket booth.
"If we combine our money, we can buy 25 tickets for 10.00 pounds," Rita told Isabel.
Isabel frowned and said, "Then it won't be fair."
"Well, how about if you take ten twenty-fifths of the tickets," Rita said, "and I'll keep three fifths of them."
"Then I'll be getting the most tickets," said Isabel, "and that sounds good to me."
Isabel's mother smiled at Rita as she realized what her daughter would learn about fractions that night.
The girls waited for Isabel's mom to buy the tickets.
"What do you want to do with your tickets, Isabel?" asked Rita.
"Because I will have so many of them, I am going to play the ring-toss game ten times!Then I'll eat a frozen fruit bar while waiting in line for the Ferris wheel."
"Wow," said Rita, "you'll be busy tonight!"
"Here are ten twenty-fifths of the tickets for you, Isabel,and three fifths of the tickets for you, Rita," Isabel's mom said as she came back and gave the girls their tickets.