Morty’s Roadside Refreshments

Morty’s Roadside Refreshments Morty’s Roadside Refreshments Morty was checking out his library books when it caught his eye - a poster for Adventure Rocks Mouse Camp. "Check this out!" Morty called to Ben and Fred as he grabbed three brochures and scampered to catch up with his best buddies. They all stopped, books in paws, to stare at the pictures of mice flying above canyons suspended from zip lines. They instantly believed the brochure's headline: Summer won't be complete until you Take it to


Morty’s Roadside Refreshments

Morty’s Roadside Refreshments

Morty was checking out his library books when it caught his eye - a poster for Adventure Rocks Mouse Camp.

"Check this out!" Morty called to Ben and Fred as he grabbed three brochures and scampered to catch up with his best buddies.They all stopped, books in paws, to stare at the pictures of mice flying above canyons suspended from zip lines.They instantly believed the brochure's headline:Summer won't be complete until you Take it to the Limit at Adventure Rocks Mouse Camp.

Ben broke the silence, "We have less than two weeks until registration opens, and it says the camp fills up fast."

"I have an idea," Morty announced. "Tonight we all talk to our parents.It will take our best pitch ever to persuade them to let us go AND to pay for it."The mice all nodded. Morty scratched his ear, "Let's all report back in the morning."

Ben, Fred, and Morty were munching on crispy cheese squares in Morty's kitchen the next morning as they summarized the situation.

Morty needed to earn the entire amount for six days at camp.Ben's parents offered to pay for half the price if Ben earned the other half.Fred's mother had no problem letting him go to camp;but she couldn't pay for it, and Fred had to leave camp two days early for a family reunion.

"Let's figure this out," Morty said, grabbing a pencil.Camp was $500 for a whole week or $100 per day if you stayed less than six days.

"Okay, we need to earn $1,150 in two weeks," Morty said with a sigh.

The usually noisy friends sat quietly staring at the sum.

Then an idea popped into Morty's head."Why don't we sell lemonade and snacks by the side of the road?We can pool our allowance savings to buy supplies."

"That's a great idea," Ben said.

"Everyone get their savings and meet back here right away," Morty said.

Ben, Fred, and Morty returned to Morty's kitchen to count their combined funds.In total they had 13 wrinkled dollar bills, 32 quarters, 60 dimes, 23 nickels, and 476 pennies.

It was Fred's turn to do the math.

"Thirty-two times twenty-five cents equals..." said Fred.

"Wait!" said Ben, "There is an easier way.Use thirty-two divided by four, since there are four quarters in one dollar." Fred continued with the math.

Fred stared at the number and asked, "How will we turn thirty-two dollars and ninety-one cents into $1,150?"

"We can do it!" Morty said. "Let's take the money and buy lemons, sugar, and paper cups.We can save our treats from school lunches this week to sell."

"I'll make you a pan of brownies," his sister offered as she reached for a crispy cheese square. "Thanks!" Morty said.

"We should have the sale next Saturday - that is the day that everyone is out and about - on Main Street," Ben advised.

"It's a plan. I have some poster board, so I'll make a sign," Morty offered.

"I'll buy the lemons, sugar, and cups," Ben volunteered.

"I'll borrow a table and chairs from my mom," Fred said.

"By this time next week, we'll be counting our money!Then we can count the days until we 'Take it to the Limit'!" Morty was shouting with excitement.

The sun had barely come up on Saturday morning when the mice set up their business.They chose a spot, asked permission from the homeowner,and then asked to use her garden hose for water to make lemonade.

They had 24 lemons, and it would take three for each pitcher of lemonade.They could get 12 cups of lemonade per pitcher.All week they saved the treats from their lunches and begged their friends for their treats, too.They had 23 yummy treats to sell.
