Ouch! Ouch! Floppy was dreaming that he was in the desert. It was hot in the desert. The sand was hot. “Ouch!” said Floppy. Floppy saw a girl on a horse. The girl was Biff! “Quick! Come with me,” said Biff. “A sandstorm is coming.” The wind blew the sand. Biff put Floppy on the horse. The horse went fast. “Go faster!” said Biff. “The sandstorm is coming!” The horse went faster. “Ouch!” said Floppy. The horse stopped. Oh no! Floppy flew off the horse.


Floppy was dreaming that he was in the desert.

It was hot in the desert.

The sand was hot.
“Ouch!” said Floppy.
Floppy saw a girl on a horse.
The girl was Biff!
“Quick! Come with me,” said Biff.