PART THREE The Nun's Priest's Tale
PART THREE The Nun's Priest's Tale PART THREE The Nun's Priest's Tale We need a happy tale,' said the Host, 'something to make us laugh.' He saw the Nun's Priest hiding in the background. 'Come, sir, tell us a tale. Your horse is thin and sick but I'm sure that you can tell a good story.' 'I will try to please you,' said the Priest. 'Now listen to my tale...' Many years ago, in the magic time when all the birds and animals could speak and sing -or so I've heard - there was a poor widow who li
PART THREE The Nun's Priest's Tale

PART THREE The Nun's Priest's Tale
We need a happy tale,' said the Host, 'something to make us laugh.'He saw the Nun's Priest hiding in the background.'Come, sir, tell us a tale. Your horse is thin and sick but I'm sure that you can tell a good story.'
'I will try to please you,' said the Priest. 'Now listen to my tale...'
Many years ago, in the magic time when all the birds and animals could speak and sing-or so I've heard - there was a poor widow who lived with her two daughters.She had three pigs, three cows and a sheep.She was a simple patient woman who worked hard and thanked God each day.
In her farmyard, she kept a cock called Chantecleer.He was well-known in the neighbourhood.His crowing was more regular than a clock or a church bell.He was a very handsome bird.He had a red comb on his head, a shining black beak,blue legs and golden feathers which shone like fire.He was the best and proudest cockerel that has ever lived.
There were seven hens in the yard with Chantecleer.The prettiest was called Lady Pertelot. She was polite, friendly and wise.She had loved Chantecleer since she was a seven-day-old chick and she was his favourite wife.When the sun rose in the morning,the two birds sang a love-song together. It was a golden time!
But one day, while he was sleeping in the middle of his seven wives,just before the sun rose, Chantecleer began to scream.
'Darling husband,' Pertelot said, 'what's the matter?'
'Madam,' he replied, 'I have had a terrible dream.I dreamt that a horrible monster wanted to catch me and eat me.He was between yellow and red in colour.There were black tips on his ears and tail.His bright eyes were fixed on me. His rows of teeth were sharp and white.'