Pen Pals
Pen Pals Pen Pals Miss Shay asked, “Who knows what a pen pal is?” A few kids raised their hands. “A pen pal is someone you write letters to,” said Luke. “A pen pal is someone you don't know,” added Nell. “You're both right,” said Miss Shay. “Each of you will get a pen pal from another school. Your pen pal will write you a letter. Then you will write back.” The class buzzed with excitement. Katie hoped her pen pal would be a girl. One day, Katie's mom came in with the mail
Pen Pals

Pen Pals

Miss Shay asked, “Who knows what a pen pal is?”
A few kids raised their hands.
“A pen pal is someone you write letters to,” said Luke.
“A pen pal is someone you don't know,” added Nell.
“You're both right,” said Miss Shay.
“Each of you will get a pen pal from another school.
Your pen pal will write you a letter.
Then you will write back.”
The class buzzed with excitement.
Katie hoped her pen pal would be a girl.
One day, Katie's mom came in with the mail.
“Here's a letter for you, Katie,” said her mom.
Katie jumped up.
“It's from my pen pal!” said Katie.
Katie ripped open the envelope and read the letter.
Dear Katie,
Hi! I'm your pen pal.
I am in the third grade at the Adams School.
I have two brothers and a cat named Fluffy.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Do you have any pets?
What do you like to do for fun?
Write back soon!
Your pen pal, Serena Perez
“My pen pal is a girl!
And she sounds nice,” said Katie.
“Now it's my turn to write to her.”
“OK,” said Katie's mom.
“You can mail your letter on the way to school tomorrow.”
Dear Serena,
I got your letter today.
I am in the third grade at the Harris School.
I'm so glad that we are pen pals!
I have a six-year-old sister.
We share a room.
I wish I could have a pet, but dogs and cats make me sneeze!
I like to write stories, and I just love sports.
I am going to join a soccer team.
Write back soon!
Your pen pal, Katie Reed
On her way to school the next day, Katie dropped her letter in a mailbox.
At school, she signed up for the soccer team.
Miss Shay walked by and saw Katie signing up.