Puppy Tricks
Puppy Tricks Puppy Tricks "I wonder what it would be like to live in a home with a family," said Spot. "This pet store has been an excellent home so far, but we can't live here forever. I want a real home." "I just know someone will buy us sooner or later," said Patch. "I just hope it's sooner!" "Oh, dear! If we all get new homes, then we'll be separated!" moaned Boots. "We might see each other when our families take us for walks," said Spot hopefully. "Don't worry, Boots. You'll make
Puppy Tricks

Puppy Tricks

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a home with a family," said Spot."This pet store has been an excellent home so far, but we can't live here forever.I want a real home."
"I just know someone will buy us sooner or later," said Patch."I just hope it's sooner!"
"Oh, dear! If we all get new homes, then we'll be separated!" moaned Boots.
"We might see each other when our families take us for walks," said Spot hopefully.
"Don't worry, Boots.You'll make friends in your new neighborhood," added Patch.
"I suppose so," sighed Boots glumly.
"Look, there's a family coming into the store," announced Spot, "and the little girl looks sad.We could cheer her up."
"Do you have any puppies for sale?" the girl inquired politely.
"Yes, we do," said the store assistant."They're right over there, along the back wall."
"Eleanor's best friend moved overseas,so we thought a puppy might cheer her up," said Eleanor's mom to the assistant.
"We live in the country and have always wanted a dog," added Dad.
"They live in the country!" cried Spot."I must admit, I've always wanted to live in the country!What if we could convince Eleanor to take us all home? I have a plan."
Spot whispered his plan to the others as Eleanor's family walked toward them.