SMALL PIG SMALL PIG The small pig lives in a pigpen on a farm. The small pig likes to eat, and he likes to run around the barnyard, and he likes to sleep. But most of all the small pig likes to sit down and sink down in good, soft mud. The farmer and his wife love the small pig. "We think you are the best pig in the world," they say. One morning the farmer's wife says, "Today I will clean my house." She cleans the upstairs. Then she cleans the downstairs. "My house is spotless," s


The small pig lives in a pigpen on a farm.

The small pig likes to eat, and he likes to run around the barnyard, and he likes to sleep.

But most of all the small pig likes to sit down and sink down in good, soft mud.

The farmer and his wife love the small pig.
"We think you are the best pig in the world," they say.
One morning the farmer's wife says, "Today I will clean my house."
She cleans the upstairs. Then she cleans the downstairs.
"My house is spotless," says the farmer's wife, "but the rest of this farm is very dirty.
I will get to work and clean it up."
The farmer's wife cleans the barn and the stable and the chicken coop.
Then she comes to the pigpen."Heavens!" cries the farmer's wife. "This is the dirtiest spot of all."
So she cleans the pigpen, and she washes the pig.
"That's better," says the farmer's wife.
"Now everything is neat and shiny."
"Where is my good, soft mud?" asks the small pig.
"I guess it is gone," says the farmer. "I'm sorry."
The small pig is more than sorry.
He is angry.
"This place is too neat and shiny for me," he says.
And that night the small pig runs away.
Soon he finds a swamp.
"Ah!" cries the small pig. "Here is good, soft mud."
The small pig sits down and sinks down into the mud.
"Lovely, lovely," he says, and then he goes to sleep.
"Ouch!" says the small pig as a dragonfly bumps into his nose.
"Oops!" says the small pig as a frog jumps onto his head.
"Yow!" says the small pig. A turtle is biting his tail.
"Move yourself out of here!" says a big snake.
"You are taking up space that belongs to us."
So the small pig moves himself out of there in a hurry and runs on down the road.