The Great Pig Escape
The Great Pig Escape The Great Pig Escape Bert and Ethel lived on a small farm. They grew the best lettuce, peas, tomatoes, corn, and turnips for miles around. One day, when they were out hoeing weeds, Bert said, "I've been thinking we should raise a few pigs." "Sounds like trouble to me," said Ethel. "I'd rather stick with turnips." But Bert bought six little piglets anyway. "They look like more trouble than turnips," said Ethel. "But they are kind of cute." "They won't be cute for lo
The Great Pig Escape

The Great Pig Escape

Bert and Ethel lived on a small farm.They grew the best lettuce, peas, tomatoes, corn, and turnips for miles around.
One day, when they were out hoeing weeds, Bert said, "I've been thinking we should raise a few pigs."
"Sounds like trouble to me," said Ethel. "I'd rather stick with turnips."
But Bert bought six little piglets anyway.
"They look like more trouble than turnips," said Ethel. "But they are kind of cute."
"They won't be cute for long," said Bert."Eight months from now they'll be pork chops, so don't go falling in love with them."
"Sh!" said Ethel. "You shouldn't say things like that. You'll upset them."
Over the next few months, the piglets grew into pigs.They spent their days grubbing, rooting, snuffling, and wallowing.And they grew fatter every week.
One day, when the pigs were slurping up their slop,Bert said to Ethel, "I think these pigs are big enough to sell at the market tomorrow."
"Sh!" said Ethel. "They'll hear you!"
Sure enough, the pigs stopped slurping.
"Oink???" said one. "Oink!!!" squealed another.
That night, there was a lot of oinking in the pigpen.
"What's got into those pigs?" grumbled Bert.
"Sounds like they're planning something," said Ethel.
"Don't he ridiculous!" said Bert.
The next morning, the pigs ran this way and that way.They oinked and they squealed and they shrieked.Bert and Ethel had to ask the neighbors to help them load the pigs into the back of the truck.
"Where did you put the holt that locks the tailgate?" panted Ethel.
"On the ground," puffed Bert. "I don't see it," said Ethel.
No one could find the bolt.They had to tie the tailgates together with rope.
Then Bert and Ethel got into the truck, rolled up the windows, and turned on the radio,so they couldn't hear the oinking and squealing and shrieking.They also couldn't hear the pigs chewing on the rope.
As they bumped and rattled down the road toward town, the rope snapped.The tailgates flapped open. But Bert and Ethel didn't notice.
At the edge of town, Bert and Ethel stopped for gas at Thelma's Garage.The radio was still rocking and rolling and wailing.And the pigs were still oinking and squealing.
No one noticed when two pigs scrambled from the back of the truck and scooted under a nearby fence.
Bert and Ethel made another quick stop at the Food Co-op for soda and sandwiches.