Finding Home
Finding Home Finding Home For a long time, the Chumash Indians have lived along the coast of California. Many, many years ago, they lived in dome houses made of willow poles. They made beautiful baskets and canoes. They ate fish and shellfish, meat, pine nuts, and berries. Shells were important to the Chumash people. They used shells for fishing, for jewelry, and for money. But to Anacapa, a Chumash girl, seashells were just charming objects that she liked to collect. One day, Anacapa was wal
Finding Home

Finding Home

For a long time, the Chumash Indians have lived along the coast of California.Many, many years ago, they lived in dome houses made of willow poles.They made beautiful baskets and canoes.They ate fish and shellfish, meat, pine nuts, and berries.Shells were important to the Chumash people.They used shells for fishing, for jewelry, and for money.But to Anacapa, a Chumash girl, seashells were just charming objects that she liked to collect.
One day, Anacapa was walking through her village.She waved and smiled at the women who were making their beautiful baskets.Some of the elders were getting ready to go fishing in their canoes.Everybody was busy, so Anacapa wandered down to the ocean to collect seashells for her family.
When Anacapa left, the day was sunny.She followed the trail that led down to the ocean.She noticed some footprints and wondered if they were the prints of a coyote or a wolf.Anacapa turned when she heard a whisper.At first she thought it was her mother saying her name.Then she thought she heard her mother whispering to her, warning her not to wander so far away by herself.The sounds really were just the wind blowing through the trees.Then she heard a noise in the bushes.
What could it be? she wondered.She could not wait until she was on the beach, away from the forest.