Funny Faces
Funny Faces Funny Faces Chapter 1 Missing Out Max walked through the front door and went into the kitchen. "Hi, Mom, I'm home!" "How was school, honey?" Mom asked. "Great! I scored a goal in soccer!" said Max. "Well done!" Mom passed Max his apple and a bowl of soup. "Would you mind taking this soup to Ella? She's got a bad cold." Max took his apple and the bowl of chicken soup into the family room. Ella was sitting on the sofa with a blanket pulled up to her chin and tissues scattered ar
Funny Faces

Funny Faces

Chapter 1 Missing Out

Max walked through the front door and went into the kitchen."Hi, Mom, I'm home!" "How was school, honey?" Mom asked."Great! I scored a goal in soccer!" said Max.
"Well done!" Mom passed Max his apple and a bowl of soup."Would you mind taking this soup to Ella? She's got a bad cold."
Max took his apple and the bowl of chicken soup into the family room.Ella was sitting on the sofa with a blanket pulled up to her chin and tissues scattered around her.Her eyes were red and puffy.
"Here's your soup," Max said. He was about to leave, but then he heard Ella sniff.He turned around and realized that she was crying."What's the matter?" he asked.
"I had to come home from school early," Ella said.
"That's not so bad. You can go back to school when you're feeling better," Max said, taking a bite of his apple.
"It is bad! I missed out on the zoo trip!" Ella said, sniffing again."I haven't been to the zoo for ages." She looked very unhappy.
Max knew that Ella had been really looking forward to going to the zoo.For weeks, she had been talking about all the different animals her class would get to see.
Max chewed on his apple and thought."Maybe I could make you feel better.I could be your entertainment, instead of the animals at the zoo. I could make you laugh," he said.Ella blew her nose and sat up a little."How are you going to do that?" she asked.
Chapter 2 Try Again, Max

Max took another bite of his apple and thought for a while.What could he do to make Ella laugh? Suddenly, he had an idea.He stopped chewing his apple for a moment and sat down opposite Ella on the sofa.
"You couldn't go to the zoo today, but maybe I can bring the zoo to you," Max said."Zoo animals make funny noises and funny faces. I can act them out for you!"
"Okay," Ella said, "I guess that could work."