Midas and the Donkey Ears
Midas and the Donkey Ears Midas and the Donkey Ears Characters: Townsperson; Pan; King Midas; Apollo; Barber; Mother Earth Props Needed: chair; crown; mirror; winner's wreath; donkey ears; scissors Scene 1 The Music Contest King Midas sits on his throne, facing the audience. He is wearing a crown. Pan and Apollo stand at either side of him. Townsperson enters, stage right, and faces the crowd. TOWNSPERSON: In Ancient Greece, there was once a vain and foolish king, who was obsessed with w
Midas and the Donkey Ears

Midas and the Donkey Ears

Characters: Townsperson; Pan; King Midas; Apollo; Barber; Mother Earth
Props Needed: chair; crown; mirror; winner's wreath; donkey ears; scissors
Scene 1 The Music Contest

King Midas sits on his throne, facing the audience.He is wearing a crown. Pan and Apollo stand at either side of him.Townsperson enters, stage right, and faces the crowd.
TOWNSPERSON: In Ancient Greece, there was once a vain and foolish king, who was obsessed with wealth.One day, two gods asked this king to judge a singing contest between them.This is how our story begins… (Townsperson exits, stage right.)
PAN: (smiling) My dear friend, King Midas. I have prepared a song just for you.
KING MIDAS: Oh Pan, I always love to hear you sing.I know you will do well in this contest.
APOLLO: (upset) Perhaps you should wait to hear us both before you decide the winner, King Midas.I, too, possess a beautiful voice.
KING MIDAS: Oh, yes - of course, Apollo. Please begin.
(Apollo sings. King Midas takes little notice of him.Instead, he admires himself in a mirror.)
KING MIDAS: The song was pleasing, Apollo. But the tone and pitch were not as good as I would have expected.Let us hear the wonderful Pan sing.
(Pan sings. King Midas listens enthusiastically.)
KING MIDAS: (jumping up from his throne, clapping) Beautiful! Marvelous! Wonderful!I think we have a clear winner here.Yes, yes, Pan has won the music contest!He gets the reward. Well done, Pan!
(King Midas awards Pan the winner's wreath. Pan exits, grinning, stage right.)
APOLLO: That was unfair, King Midas.My voice is far superior to Pan's, yet you chose him to be the winner.Perhaps there is something wrong with your ears.
(rubs his chin) In fact, I think your ears must be too small to hear properly.I will give you donkey ears!(King Midas looks alarmed. He gasps and takes off his crown, revealing donkey ears.He screams and runs off, stage left. Apollo laughs and exits, stage right.)