Starter unit Good to see you again
Starter unit Good to see you again Starter unit Good to see you again Welcome, welcome, welcome back Welcome, welcome, welcome back. It's good to see you again. Dance with me and sing with me. Join in, let's play a game. Clap your hands and Jump up high, Shake your arms and your legs. Bend your knees and Touch your toes, Now stand nose to nose. Clap your hands and Jump up high, Shake your arms and your legs. Bend your knees and Touch your toes, Now stand nose to nos
Starter unit Good to see you again

Starter unit Good to see you again

Welcome, welcome, welcome back
Welcome, welcome, welcome back.
It's good to see you again.
Dance with me and sing with me.
Join in, let's play a game.
Clap your hands and Jump up high,
Shake your arms and your legs.