Story of the Sun
Story of the Sun Story of the Sun Long ago, a curious young boy lived in a far-off land. To the east there were mountains. To the west there was a large sea. As each day began, the curious young boy sat and looked to the east. He watched the sun rise over the mountains. As each day ended, he looked west. He watched the sun sink into the sea. The curious boy’s name was Ichiro. Ichiro wondered where the sun came from. And he wondered where it went each night. The harder Ichiro
Story of the Sun

Story of the Sun

Long ago, a curious young boy lived in a far-off land.
To the east there were mountains.
To the west there was a large sea.
As each day began, the curious young boy sat and looked to the east.He watched the sun rise over the mountains.As each day ended, he looked west.
He watched the sun sink into the sea.
The curious boy’s name was Ichiro.
Ichiro wondered where the sun came from.
And he wondered where it went each night.
The harder Ichiro thought, the more confused he became.
He wondered how many suns there really are.
Would there ever be a time when a new sun would not rise from the east?
Ichiro was smart. He knew that the sun brought light.
He knew that without the sun, everything would be dark.
He also knew that the sun brought warmth.
He loved to feel the warm sun on his brown skin.
Ichiro worried about a day when a new sun might not rise.He worried about living in a land of darkness.He worried about being cold.
Ichiro learned about a wise old woman.
He was told she knew the answers to everything.
So he decided to visit her.
The wise woman lived in a village.The village was near the mountains.It was near where the sun rose each morning.