Eva's Lost and Found Report
Eva's Lost and Found Report Eva's Lost and Found Report Eva was writing a report for school. Her teacher had given her a schedule to help her get the report done on time. “I'm sure that I brought my schedule home,” thought Eva. “Now where did I put it?” Eva's pets, Penny and Buster, watched as Eva searched. “It looks like Eva has lost something again,” chuckled Buster. Penny nodded, “She'd never find anything if we didn't look after her!” “I've got to find that schedule,” thought Eva.
Eva's Lost and Found Report

Eva's Lost and Found Report

Eva was writing a report for school.Her teacher had given her a schedule to help her get the report done on time.
“I'm sure that I brought my schedule home,” thought Eva.“Now where did I put it?”
Eva's pets, Penny and Buster, watched as Eva searched.
“It looks like Eva has lost something again,” chuckled Buster.
Penny nodded, “She'd never find anything if we didn't look after her!”
“I've got to find that schedule,” thought Eva.
“She's going to need help,” Penny whispered to Buster.“I was napping in the closet when she hung up her coat, and that paper fell out of her pocket.”
While Eva looked under the bed, Penny ran into the closet and got the schedule.She dropped it near Eva, curled up under the chair, and pretended to nap.
“There it is!” cried Eva. “Today I need to pick a topic. I'll write about whales!”
On Tuesday Eva checked out two library books about whales.When she got home, she took her schedule out of her backpack.Then she tossed her things on the couch and went into the kitchen to get some lemonade.
Eva looked at her schedule and said, “I need to read about my topic and take notes.Now where did I put those books?”
Eva searched everywhere in the kitchen.“She's not even looking in the right room!” giggled Penny. “Help her, Buster.”
Buster went to the couch and used his nose to flip through Eva's books.Soon he found the ones about whales.While Eva wasn't looking, he put them on a chair in the kitchen.“Here they are!” Eva said. She got right to work taking notes.As she reached for another book, Eva spilled the glass of lemonade that was on the table.