The Upside-down Lion
The Upside-down Lion The Upside-down Lion One fine day the Warthogs were walking amongst some trees. 'Remember,' said Mr Warthog, 'this is a dangerous place. Always stick to the paths and never go off exploring things that don't concern you.' Scarcely were the words out of his mouth than a terrible noise filled the forest. 'Baby Warthog, I've warned you before,' said Mrs Warthog. 'Say ‘pardon' when you burp!' 'That wasn't me,' said Baby Warthog. 'It was that lion up there!' Sure enough
The Upside-down Lion

The Upside-down Lion

One fine day the Warthogs were walking amongst some trees.
'Remember,' said Mr Warthog, 'this is a dangerous place.Always stick to the paths and never go off exploring things that don't concern you.'
Scarcely were the words out of his mouth than a terrible noise filled the forest.
'Baby Warthog, I've warned you before,' said Mrs Warthog. 'Say ‘pardon' when you burp!'
'That wasn't me,' said Baby Warthog. 'It was that lion up there!'
Sure enough, a lion was hanging upside down from the tree above them.He had been caught in a trap.
'Please,' said Lion, 'let me down. I've been up here for three days and I think I've gone peculiar.'
'How silly do you think we are?' said Mr Warthog.'If we let you down, you'll eat us!'
'I promise I won't!' pleaded Lion. 'I'm so weak from lack of food I'm harmless as a kitten.'
So the Warthogs undid the trap and set Lion free.
'Thank you so much,' said Lion.'Dear Mr Warthog, sweet Mrs Warthog and lovely, delicious, good-enough-to-eat Baby Warthog,I am so grateful, I could just gobble you up!'
Mrs Warthog didn't like the sound of that.She didn't like the way Lion was looking at Baby Warthog and licking his lips either.