Tag: level 44


Chapter 4 Javier Learns a Lesson

Chapter 4 Javier Learns a Lesson Chapter 4 Javier Learns a Lesson In the morning, Hermila got up and went to open the door. It wouldn't...


Chapter 3 Javier's Trick

Chapter 3 Javier's Trick Chapter 3 Javier's Trick When Mario had finished his tale, Hermila and Javier looked at him in amazement....


A Gift for Mario

A Gift for Mario A Gift for Mario Chapter 1 Javier's Plan Long ago, in a small village, there lived two friends named Javier and Mario....


Chapter 2 The Tatema

Chapter 2 The Tatema Chapter 2 The Tatema Later that day, Mario was wandering through the countryside when he heard someone shouting,...


The Sidekick

The Sidekick The Sidekick Maggie lived with her mother in a very tall apartment building in the city of Chicago. They lived on the...


Chapter Two

Chapter Two Chapter Two The next day, Mrs. Apple brought Marty to meet her boss, Mr. Garcia. "Congratulations, Marty, you're our newest...


Simone's Travels

Simone's Travels Simone's Travels The winter holidays were not turning out the way Simone had hoped. Simone was stuck at home. She...


Chapter Three

Chapter Three Chapter Three Marty enjoyed volunteering at the hospital more and more each day. Everyone liked Marty, and Nurse Tiant...


Marty's Job

Marty's Job Marty's Job Chapter One Marty Apple was bored. He was usually too busy with things to be bored. But Marty was not interested...


Tom the Whistling Wonder

Tom the Whistling Wonder Tom the Whistling Wonder Danny, Melody and Rashid were mates. Danny was the leader or 'number one' because...


Chapter 4 The Company Meeting

Chapter 4 The Company Meeting Chapter 4 The Company Meeting The day of the meeting arrived. The members of the KCLT dressed in their...


Chapter 3 Making a Decision

Chapter 3 Making a Decision Chapter 3 Making a Decision "What do the rules say?" Mandy asked. Elizabeth explained that the project...


Chapter 2 Important News

Chapter 2 Important News Chapter 2 Important News "I have important news," Ms. Maybry stated. "Cool!" Mandy interrupted, always ready...


Chapter 5 The Plan

Chapter 5 The Plan Chapter 5 The Plan "Whatever they thought," Brian said, "we'd better get to work. We have a project. Now we need...


We're in Business

We're in Business We're in Business Chapter 1 A Successful Year "Okay, let's get started," Ms. Maybry said to the Kids Company Leaders...


Raining Cats, Dogs, and Other Animals

Raining Cats, Dogs, and Other Animals Raining Cats, Dogs, and Other Animals In Part Three, Charly put an end to the town's drought....