Tom the Whistling Wonder
Tom the Whistling Wonder Tom the Whistling Wonder Danny, Melody and Rashid were mates. Danny was the leader or 'number one' because he was the biggest and he had the football. When Danny had a cough and had to stay home, Melody was number one because she was Danny's cousin and she had the kite. When both Danny and Melody had coughs and had to stay home, Rashid became number one because he had the sailing boat and he was the only one left. Then there was Tom. He trotted into the field where th
Tom the Whistling Wonder

Tom the Whistling Wonder

Danny, Melody and Rashid were mates.Danny was the leader or 'number one' because he was the biggest and he had the football.When Danny had a cough and had to stay home,Melody was number one because she was Danny's cousin and she had the kite.When both Danny and Melody had coughs and had to stay home,Rashid became number one because he had the sailing boat and he was the only one left.

Then there was Tom.He trotted into the field where the three mates were deciding what to do on the first day of their summer holidays.

"I spy a stranger," Danny said. "Can I play?" asked Tom.
"No way." Rashid shook his head. "We're mates.""Can't I be one of your mates?" Tom asked. "You're too small," Melody replied.
"I've been ill, but I'm better now so I expect I'll be growing soon."
"What have you got then?" Danny demanded. Tom looked puzzled.
"I’m brought a football, Melody's brought a kite and Rashid's brought a sailing boat," Danny explained."What have you brought?"
Tom turned out his pockets. "Nothing." "Nothing's no use," Rashid said.
"I've got a whistle," Tom said. "Show us," "It's in my mouth," "Show us" demanded Danny. "OK."
Then Tom looked up at the blue sky and began to whistle.
They listened open-mouthed. They'd never heard anyone whistle like that.It was a thrilling, trilling, warbling sort of whistle.It was a babbling, bubbling, burbling sort of whistle.It was an out-of-the-blue birdsong sort of whistle.
"That's a neat whistle" Melody said admiringly. "What do you all think?"
"Yes," said Rashid. "If he's a mate then I can tell him what to do."
"Suits me," agreed Danny. "OK. You can be number four, Tom." "What does that mean?" asked Tom.
"It means," explained Rashid, "you have to do everything we tell you."
"But when we've all got coughs and have to stay home," added Melody, "you can be number one."
"Great!" exclaimed Tom. "Thanks."
"Football first!" It was Danny who made the decisions.
Two cherry trees were the goalposts. Tom was goalie.Behind the goal was a fence. Behind the fence was a garden.Behind the garden was a large white house. "I’ll shoot first," said Danny.
He aimed a mighty kick at the ball. The ball flew over Tom, over the fence and into the garden.There was a clatter of tins. A dog barked angrily. "Goal!" yelled Danny.
They ran to the fence. It was too high to see over.Helped by Tom, Rashid and Melody, Danny tried to climb up the fence.There was a fierce growl and a furious burst of barking.A heavy shape threw itself against the other side of the fence.Danny fell backwards, knocking against Melody who fell against Rashid who fell against Tom who fell flat on his face."Wowee!" exclaimed Danny. "That's the monster dog from outer space."
"What now?" asked Melody.
"Now," ordered Danny, "you run round to the front door and ask for our ball back."
"Rashid," said Melody, "run round to the front door and ask for our ball back."
"Tom," said Rashid "run..." "Do I have to?" asked Tom. "You're number four mate," said Danny.