Tag: level 81
CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 10 "This wig itches!" Josh complained. He, Dink, and Ruth Rose were hiding behind the desk in the hotel lobby....
THE HAUNTED HOTEL THE HAUNTED HOTEL CHAPTER 1 "Oh my gosh!" Dink cried. "There's a ghost in Green Lawn!" Donald David Duncan, Dink...
Chapter 10 The Third Writing
Chapter 10 The Third Writing Chapter 10 The Third Writing Jack opened his eyes. Morning light filled the tree house. He and Annie...
Chapter 8 These Are the Times
Chapter 8 These Are the Times Chapter 8 These Are the Times Jack grabbed Annie's hand. "We're not spies!" he said. He whirled around...
Chapter 7 Spies!
Chapter 7 Spies! Chapter 7 Spies! "What are you doing here?" George Washington asked. The commander-in-chief sounded furious. "We...
Chapter 8 Grandparents' Day
Chapter 8 Grandparents' Day Chapter 8 Grandparents' Day Mrs. went back to Room Nine. That's because the bell rang to start kindergarten,...
Chapter 7 Sour Grapes
Chapter 7 Sour Grapes Chapter 7 Sour Grapes Principal called Mrs. to come to his office. Only I didn't even know he was going to do...
Chapter 6 Squeezy Lips
Chapter 6 Squeezy Lips Chapter 6 Squeezy Lips I didn't tattletale on Mrs. That's 'cause if I told Mother, I would get in trouble for...