The Drinking Gourd
The Drinking Gourd The Drinking Gourd Chapter One FISHING IN CHURCH Tommy Fuller put his right hand in his pocket. There was his apple. Then he put his left hand in his other pocket. There was his ball of fishing line. "Quit wiggling!" whispered his brother Sam. "Sit up straight!" whispered his brother Andy. It was late afternoon. The three boys were in church. They had been there all day long. Mother and Father were downstairs with Grandmother Dudley and the rest of the grown-up
The Drinking Gourd

The Drinking Gourd


Tommy Fuller put his right hand in his pocket. There was his apple.Then he put his left hand in his other pocket.
There was his ball of fishing line.
"Quit wiggling!" whispered his brother Sam.
"Sit up straight!" whispered his brother Andy.
It was late afternoon. The three boys were in church.
They had been there all day long.
Mother and Father were downstairs with Grandmother Dudley and the rest of the grown-ups.
All the children sat upstairs in the gallery.
The girls were on one side. The boys were on the other.