The Fisherman and his Soul
The Fisherman and his Soul The Fisherman and his Soul CHAPTER ONE The Mermaid Every evening the fisherman went out fishing. He sometimes sold his fish at the market. Sometimes he did not catch many fish and he could not sell them. One evening his net was very heavy. He laughed and said, 'Did I catch all the fish in the sea? Or did I catch some horrible monster? I will give it to the Queen. She will be happy.' He pulled and pulled the heavy net. Finally, he pulled the net next to the boat.
The Fisherman and his Soul

The Fisherman and his Soul

Every evening the fisherman went out fishing.He sometimes sold his fish at the market.Sometimes he did not catch many fish and he could not sell them.One evening his net was very heavy.He laughed and said, 'Did I catch all the fish in the sea?Or did I catch some horrible monster? I will give it to the Queen. She will be happy.'
He pulled and pulled the heavy net. Finally, he pulled the net next to the boat.
But there were no fish in it and there was no monster.There was only a little mermaid. She was asleep.
Her hair was yellow like gold; her body was white like ivory;her tail like silver and pearl; and her ears like seashells.
She was very beautiful. The fisherman pulled the net closer to the boat.He embraced her. When he touched her, she screamed.
She could not escape so she began to cry and said, 'Please let me go.I am the only daughter of a King of the Sea. My father is very old and alone.'
But the fisherman answered her, 'I will let you go, but you must make me a promise.I will call you and you will come and sing to me.The fish love the songs of the people of the sea. You will sing and my nets will be full.'
'I promise. Please let me go,' cried the mermaid.
'Yes, I will let you go,' said the fisherman.So she promised him and he let her go.She went back into the sea and trembled. She felt a strange fear.
Every evening the young fisherman went fishing and called the mermaid.She came and sang to him. The dolphins swam round and round her.The seagulls were in the sky above her head.