The Golden Goose
The Golden Goose The Golden Goose Chapter 1 Into the Forest There once was a boy called Dummling. Dummling was not his real name. Dummling had two older brothers. The oldest brother went to cut wood in the forest, where he met a little old man. The little old man asked, "Will you give me some food?" Dummling's brother said, "My mother gave me cake and apple juice for lunch. I only have enough for myself." The little old man walked away. The oldest brother said, "I will eat my food no
The Golden Goose

The Golden Goose

Chapter 1 Into the Forest

There once was a boy called Dummling. Dummling was not his real name.
Dummling had two older brothers.The oldest brother went to cut wood in the forest, where he met a little old man.The little old man asked, "Will you give me some food?"
Dummling's brother said, "My mother gave me cake and apple juice for lunch.I only have enough for myself."
The little old man walked away.
The oldest brother said, "I will eat my food now before the man comes back."
The oldest brother sat down very fast and did not look where he was sitting.The brother sat on a bee and the bee stung him.
The brother said to himself, "I think the little old man made the bee sting me."
Next, the middle brother went to the forest for wood.His mother gave him cake and juice.
He met the old man. The man said, "I'm very hungry. Please share your food with me."
The middle brother considered the old man's request for food.Then he said, "Your hunger is not my problem. Please go away."
Soon the middle brother fell and twisted his ankle.He said, "That was not an accident!"
Chapter 2 The Gift of Good Luck

The family still had no wood for the fire.
Dummling said, "I will get wood." Dummling's father said, "Can you handle the task?"
Dummling said, "I am not sure but I can try."
Dummling's mother gave him old cake and sour juice.She didn't think Dummling could cut down the tree.