Every Picture Tells a Story
Every Picture Tells a Story Every Picture Tells a Story Chapter 1 My Sketchbook My name is Lila. I used to live in a village. I live in a big city now. I ride the bus to school. When I lived in the village, I used to walk to school. I knew everybody's name. As I walked to school people greeted me. They asked how my family was. On the bus, I take out my sketchbook. I drew pictures of the village where I lived. There is also a picture of my friend Max with his dog, Zolton. There are many pict
Every Picture Tells a Story

Every Picture Tells a Story

Chapter 1 My Sketchbook

My name is Lila. I used to live in a village. I live in a big city now.I ride the bus to school. When I lived in the village, I used to walk to school.I knew everybody's name. As I walked to school people greeted me.They asked how my family was. On the bus, I take out my sketchbook.I drew pictures of the village where I lived.

There is also a picture of my friend Max with his dog, Zolton.There are many pictures of my grandmother. I like the picture of her at the market.She is buying cacao beans for her special hot chocolate.

In my bag, I have a thermos of hot chocolate. Mama made it this morning.She used my grandmother's cacao paste. I know the chocolate will taste delicious.Making chocolate is one of my grandmother's special talents.

My school here in America is very big. I don't know many people.So far, I have met Martin and Lucia and the twins Dario and Cruz.They live near me and we wait together at the bus stop every morning.Sometimes I see them playing in the park.
I drew pictures to help me remember their names. I drew Martin and Lucia. They were both born in America.
I drew Dario and Cruz. They came from Mexico City with their family two years ago.They have been in America longer than me.I came with my mother, father, and brother two months ago.
Martin, Lucia, Dario, and Cruz all speak Spanish.They speak English, too. I speak some Spanish. I speak a little English.With my family I speak the language of our people.We are Mixtec Indians from a part of Mexico called Oaxaca.
Chapter 2 The Class Report