THE JAGUAR'S JEWEL THE JAGUAR'S JEWEL Chapter 1 Dink spread the note on his knees and read it out loud. Dear Nephew Donny, I am so happy that you're coming to visit! You and your friends are going to love New York city. I will meet your train at four o'clock on Friday, at grand central Station. Love, uncle Warren Josh giggled. "He calls you Donny?" "Yeah," Dink said, blushing. "But if you ever do, I'll tell all the kids at school your middle name is Carol." "But my middle name isn't C


Chapter 1
Dink spread the note on his knees and read it out loud.
Dear Nephew Donny, I am so happy that you're coming to visit!You and your friends are going to love New York city.I will meet your train at four o'clock on Friday, at grand central Station. Love, uncle Warren
Josh giggled. "He calls you Donny?"
"Yeah," Dink said, blushing. "But if you ever do, I'll tell all the kids at school your middle name is Carol."
"But my middle name isn't Carol!" Josh said. Dink flashed an evil grin. "So?"
"Guys, I think we're there," Ruth Rose said.
The train slowed. Suddenly, the bright, sunny day vanished.Everything outside the train windows turned black. "Hey, what happened?" Josh cried.
Dink laughed. "We're in a tunnel, Josh," he said. "Don't worry. Ruth Rose and I will protect you."
The train slowed even more, then stopped."New York, Grand Central Station!" the conductor called. "Last stop! All passengers off!"
The kids grabbed their backpacks and followed the other passengers to the door.
"Watch your step," the conductor said. He helped the kids hop onto the platform.
They found themselves standing in a concrete tunnel.The dust and soot coming up from under the train made Dink sneeze. "Where do we go?" Josh asked.
"My uncle said he'd meet us," Dink said. "Maybe we should just wait here."
All around them, people were hurrying along the platform.Dink stood on tiptoe, but he couldn't see his uncle anywhere. "Is that him?" Ruth Rose asked.