The Mystery of the Magpie

The Mystery of the Magpie The Mystery of the Magpie Chapter 1 The Magpie Once, three brothers lived on a small farm in Mexico. The soil was rocky. There was very little rain. So their crops did not grow well. The brothers were very poor. The youngest brother was Pablo. Each day, Pablo woke up early. He left the house quietly. His brothers, Manuel and Juan, were still sleeping. Pablo walked very far to school. Pablo couldn't stay the whole day at school. He had to return home to help his


The Mystery of the Magpie

The Mystery of the Magpie

Chapter 1 The Magpie

Once, three brothers lived on a small farm in Mexico.The soil was rocky. There was very little rain.So their crops did not grow well. The brothers were very poor.

The youngest brother was Pablo.Each day, Pablo woke up early. He left the house quietly.His brothers, Manuel and Juan, were still sleeping.Pablo walked very far to school.

Pablo couldn't stay the whole day at school.He had to return home to help his brothers work on the farm.

When Pablo came home from school, his brothers teased him."Pablo thinks he is so smart," Manuel teased.Manuel didn't go to school. He didn't understand why Pablo liked school.

"You should spend more time working and less time learning," Juan advised Pablo.

"Learning is important," Pablo answered."Someday you will see that I am right."

Every day the brothers observed a bird flying over their field. It was a magpie.The magpie always carried something shiny.The brothers knew that magpies loved to pick up and bring shiny objects back to their nests.

The brothers watched the bird every day.Their curiosity began to increase.

One day Pablo was walking home from school.He met his brothers on the road."Where are you going?" Pablo asked.

"We are following the magpie.We want to find the treasure in its nest," they told him.

Pablo and his brothers traveled many miles.Finally, they came to a tall tree.

They heard a loud bird call. "That sounds like a magpie," Pablo said.

"It's up there!" Manuel observed. He pointed to the tree.

The magpie was in the tree. It sat on its nest.The nest was made of mud and sticks.It was messy but suitable for a magpie.

"Let's go get the treasure!" Juan said.The three brothers began to climb the tree.

The brothers were close to the nest.Then they heard a voice shout, "Stop!"The brothers looked around. They did not see anyone."What do you want?" the voice said.Then the brothers saw that the magpie was speaking to them.

"May we have your shiny things?" Manuel asked. "They would help us."
